Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The Looking Glass Wars

The Looking Glass Wars
Frank Beddor

I ordered this book in through the TPL after reading a review by Alexandra Gill of the Globe and Mail on December 4th, 2004. The Globe will charge you $4.95 to get a copy of the review, mine is free.

The Looking Glass Wars takes a children's classic, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and puts a darker, more modern spin on what actually happens to Alyss in Wonderland. Now I have to admit, I don't think I have ever read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland or Through the Looking Glass. I was always a little afraid of clowns so those Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum characters just didn't make it that appealing to me. The story starts off with reference to Lewis Carroll's writing of the aforementioned story and upsetting Alyss Heart with his misrepresentation of all that Alyss had told him about her adventures in Wonderland. Beddor has Alyss correcting Carroll and her adopted family at the beginning of the story that her name is not Alice but Alyss. Quickly the story turns dark as you are thrust into the world which Alyss has come from. Vivid fight scenes and action quickly reveal that Redd, the Queen's banished sister, has returned to take her 'rightful' place as Queen. The reader is introduced to one interesting character after another, such as General Doppelganger, who splits into two Generals, Doppel and Ganger when required. Ultimately good triumphs over evil, but not without a lot of bloodshed . Beddor leaves just enough unresolved to suggest that there will be a follow up. I hope I am right as I would love to once again be cast into this world where vivid imagination is embraced.


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